General news 01-07-2004 18:14 by Arie
Gisteren was er weer wat nieuws over Medal of Honor Pacific Assault, een feature om precies te zijn. Het is een kijkje achter de schermen van de developers van het spel Medal of Honor Pacific Assault. Blijf hier kijken voor meer features!
A Temporary Zen
Visual Effects in the Gaming Industry
Part One - Basic Zenmanship
By Paul William Jury - Lead Visual Effects Artist
A while back I was asked by Matt Powers to give a run down of the way I handle the visual effects in my department. It was a simple question, but a loaded one as well. The question was loaded in a sense that there is so much involved in good effects creation that it would literally take a tome-sized volume to explain it all. I thought of ways to answer in an abridged fashion and came to the conclusion that a single topic of primary importance would be the best way of addressing the matter at hand. What follows is, I hope, something that we all can relate to and put toward our creations in particle effects... Lees Verder
Bron: eagames
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